Sunday, August 16, 2009

A history of conversation

The idea of conversation was first proposed by Edward Swillington in 1864 at a power lunch in buckingham palace. Of course the idea of people talking to one another was nothing new, but he has always dreamed of a world of where this kind of communication had a name as until then people had many names for it including: Smelping, Word Jousting and Noise Exchange.

Since then there have been many famous conversations. There was the case "Jesus vs Santa" in 1956 when it was decided how to organise christmas. Another famous case was "The two Sinatra's" in 1970 when mysteriously two identical Frank Sinatra's showed up for a gig and they had to decide who gets the last club sandwich.

The invention of the conversation also led to the invention of the eavesdropper or "Conversation logger", a strange individual who feels that other peoples business should be listened to, logged and then shared with the world. Which in turn led to the rise in popularity of the tabloid and the ear horn.

So where does conversation go from here? Ideally it will all be done telepathically which will eliminate that problem of not being able to get your words out, but the post office says that this wont be available for at least 20 years.

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